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LandVac Protect vacuum glazing security
LandVac Protect Vacuum Glazing:

Bringing Together Security and Heritage.

An innovative and environmentally friendly solution for high security heritage window and door manufacture.

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Historic Glass for Windows with Security Requirements

For many years, the choice for security glazing has been thick double or triple glazing, with a modern and non-authentic heritage aesthetic, but not any more.

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LandVac heritage Vacuum Glazing Cross Section
Looks like Single Glazing - Performs like Triple Glazing

Advantages of LandVac Protect Glazing for New Builds or High Security Heritage Windows

LandVac Protect glazing offers a range of benefits for heritage projects and buildings located in conservation areas. With its innovative design and advanced features, it overcomes the limitations of standard double glazing and provides a superior solution. From eliminating double reflection to addressing planning permission concerns, LandVac heritage glazing stands out as a reliable and energy-efficient choice. Let's explore the advantages it brings to the table:

  • Historic appearance with no double reflection.
  • Part L compliant with centre pane U-value of 0.4 W/m2K.
  • Part Q compliant with P2A laminate performance.
  • Neat and resilient metallic edge seal for longevity and performance.
  • Superior Acoustic Performance of 40dB.
  • The glazing offers superior insulation properties, leading to significant energy savings.
  • It also contributes to a reduction in carbon emissions.
  • LandVac Protect glazing is suitable for both new construction and retrofitting projects.
  • It allows property owners to enhance the energy efficiency of their buildings without compromising their heritage or aesthetics.
  • Slim 13.1mm width
LandVac Enhance heritage vacuum glass
Perfect for New Windows for Heritage Buildings with Security Considerations


Compared to Slim Double Glazing, Vacuum Glazing has:

  • Higher energy efficiency
  • Noise reduction
  • Better light transmission
  • Slimmer profile
  • Longer service life

Single Glazing

Single Glazing vs Heritage Vacuum Glazing

Slim Double Glazing

Slim Double Glazing vs Heritage Vacuum Glazing

Protect Vacuum Glazing

LandVac Heritage Double Glazing image
Single Glazing Slim Double Glazing LandVac Protect
Overall Thickness 4mm 11 - 16mm 13.1mm
U-Value 5.8 1.2 - 1.9 0.4
Acoustic Reduction (RW) 25dB 31dB 40dB
Estimated Lifespan 25+ years 1 - 10 years 25+ years

Data Table

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Performance Metrics for Various Glazing Configurations

Configuration U-Value (W/m²K) Visible Light Transmittance SHGC (g-value) Weighted Sound Reduction Index
4TL+0.3V+4T(S1.10)+0.76P+4T 0.4 68% 0.55 40dB
4TL+0.3V+4T(D80)+0.76P+4T 0.4 58% 0.38 40dB
4TL+0.3V+4T (Solar Control) +0.76P+4T 0.4 43% 0.32 40dB
4TL+0.3V+4T (Ultra Clear) +0.76P+4T 0.4 75% 0.65 40dB
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LandVac is available in a variety of shapes. Here are just a few examples to inspire your project:

LandVac Vacuum Glazing profile shape
LandVac Vacuum Glazing profile shape
LandVac Vacuum Glazing profile shape
LandVac Vacuum Glazing profile shape
LandVac Vacuum Glazing profile shape

Width to Height maximum ratio 1:6 for 8.3mm. Bigger than that and it will be 10.3mm
Any shape with a right angle and single point of radius. Isosolese triangles or right angled triangles with a hypotenuse greater that 370mm.
CAD drawings must be supplied for any shape orders.
General Criteria and Specification Notes
Maximum Unit Size 1500mm x 2500mm
Minimum Unit Size 300mm x 300mm. Please note that minimum unit size for pricing is 0.3m2.
All LandVac Glass is toughened and has been certified to BS12150-1.
U-value certified using hot box testing at IFT Rosenheim on 9.3 unit.

LandVac Protect Glazing: The Clear Choice for New Build Projects in the Historic Style

Perfect for new builds or security conscious restoration projects where slim profile glazing is important; LandVac Protect is specifically designed to achieve P2A security performance while also offering a slim profile, a centre pane U-value of 0.4 and toughened durability. It’s the ideal choice for authentic windows with extreme energy efficiency and security performance.

As the demand for energy-efficient and secure building solutions rises, vacuum insulated glass (VIG) is emerging as a game-changer in the construction industry. New builds, whether residential, commercial, or institutional, can benefit significantly from incorporating security vacuum glazing. This technology not only enhances the energy performance of buildings but also provides superior security features.

Templeton House
Vacuum glazing in a heritage style window
Vacuum glazing installed in herigate windows
Georgian sash windows